Low Ph Car Wash Products In OPS

Best Product To Wash Car Exterior

We all like to have a clean and shiny car, but sometimes we do not have time to take it to a washing station,
or we do not have it on the way, or we forget it. What is certain is that sometimes we doubt both the method
to be used to wash the car, and the aspects to take into account when choosing the cleaning product.

Regarding the method of washing cars, all have their advantages and disadvantages:

Washing tunnel: It is the fastest and most popular to wash the car, but it has the problem
that the rollers can damage the body.

Pressurised hose: They avoid damage to the bodywork, but it means that we have to do the car cleaning work ourselves and leave a lot to desired.

Cleaning by hand: It is the one that offers the best results in washing the car,
although it is the most expensive regarding time and effort.

Dry cleaning: It is the least known of all the methods to clean the car.
It requires particular cleaning products, most expensive, but on the other hand,
water consumption is lower and more efficient, and the quality of the result is impressive.

Below, we list the aspects to take into account when choosing a good product to wash our car
and leave it impeccable:

Ease of use: From our point of view, a product that requires the least effort on
our part and with which a result of professional cleaning achieved, is one of the most important aspects
to consider. For example, in the market, there are products to wash cars that do not need pre-washing
and that in maximum 5 minutes, the cleaning process can complete.

Economic: This aspect will have more or less importance, depending on our budget.
However, it is important to remember that you should not only consider the price of the product,
but also the cost of the water needed to wash the car and the time of the person performing the process.
For this reason, the first aspect that we have mentioned remains of greater relevance.

Effectiveness: Not only the ease of use and the budget is essential, but the result of the cleaning of the car is excellent, and we leave the vehicle bright, clean, without drops of lime,
and protect it from the sun’s rays in case live in an area where there can be extreme exposure to the sun.

Presentation format: We must also consider whether the product comes in the form of liquid
soap or powder. The choice will depend on our personal preferences. In our case, we suggest the powder
presentation,because although you need the previous step of dissolving the powder in a little water,
in the end, the rinsing process is much simpler and simpler.

Friendly to the environment: To help protect our environment, we must also consider
the PH level of the product, always choosing the lowest PH. That’s why we should choose the
best product to wash car exterior! Not only save cost and times, but also it will maximum save water!

Low Ph Car Wash Products

Our selection of best car wash products, based on the ratings of two critical online platforms, is as follows:

-Mr. Strong – Premium Washing Powder
-OPS Car Washing Powder
-Veve Washing Powder
-Sam’s STTP Extra Forcing Multi-Action
-Oxy Stain Remover Powder

In any case, regardless of the method or product is chosen, it is always advisable to clean the car often,
as it is easier to achieve better results if the dirt does not accumulate.

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