Amazing All Purpose Effervescent Cleaning Tablets

Best Multi-purpose household cleaner in 2019

One of the least appreciated tasks at home is to keep the house clean. We all look for products that reduce
the effort to the maximum, be yielding, give good results and prolong the effectiveness of cleaning the home
as long as possible.

The most common difficulty with which we find when choosing a cleaning product for the home is the ability
of it to adapt to different surfaces and cleaning needs of the floor, countertops, bathrooms, kitchens,
furniture, windows, etc. ., without losing any of the elements mentioned above.

From our point of view, the best option is to use a multipurpose cleaning product that covers,
as far as possible, all our cleaning needs in the home. Also, it is efficient and economical to have a
single product that suits most environments.

effervescent spray cleaner

To choose the multipurpose cleaning product appropriate to our circumstances,
the aspects that must consider are the following:

Format: Most household products are presented in a spray container, but they also come in powder or
effervescent tablets to dissolve. In the latter case, we can choose to use them with distilled water,
which makes the rinsing process more natural and reduces or eliminates lime residues from the surfaces.

Antibacterial capacity: It is not possible to distinguish the presence of bacteria in the home with
the naked eye, so it is essential to consider the ability of the multipurpose product to eliminate
bacteria, to achieve the maximum possible hygiene.

Friendly to the environment: Multi-purpose household cleaning products often contain pollutants and
chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, petroleum distillates or phosphates, among other toxic components,
that do not dissolve easily when disposed of once used.
For this reason, there are products on the market that do not contain any of these toxic components.

Hypoallergic: If people with sensitivity to chemical products live in our home, we must pay particular
attention to the labeling of the multipurpose cleaner that we are going to buy and that it indicated
that it is hypoallergenic.

Disinfection capacity: Some versatile cleaning products focus on removing dirt,
but they are not disinfectants. An excellent multipurpose cleaning product must be able to clean
and disinfect, to achieve the highest possible cleanliness in our home.

Ease of use: Although as mentioned above, most household cleaning products come in spray,
it is possible that the mechanism of the same is not easy to use.
For this reason, it is convenient to try it before buying. Those that are presented in
effervescent tablets to dissolve in liquid allows us to use a sprayer that we already have at home
and that we find comfortable to use.

Appropriate to clean car windows: The dirt in the windows of the cars is the element that can most
affect our security. It is convenient to clean them regularly, and if we can use a multi-purpose
cleaning product that we already have at home, this task is more relaxed and more comfortable for us.

Our selection of multi-purpose household cleaning products is as follows:

Better Life – sprayer
Puracy – sprayer
OPS multipurpose – effervescent tablets

And last, but not least, the more often we clean, the easier it will be to perform the task of
disinfection and cleaning the home.